The goal of EDOSURE is to generate new clinical and real-world-data regarding its use in AF and VTE populations, providing physicians and patients worldwide with greater treatment assurance.
More than 100,000 patients worldwide are expected to participate in the edoxaban clinical research program, EDOSURE, which is comprised of more than 10 RCTs (randomized, controlled trials), registry and non-randomized clinical studies, including completed, ongoing and future research.
The RCTs include:
- ENGAGE AF -TIMI 48 (Effective a NticoaGulation with factor XA next GEneration in Atrial Fibrillation), in NVAF patients at moderate-to-high risk of thromboembolic events
- Hokusai-VTE (Edoxaban in Venous Thromboembolism), in patients with either acute symptomatic deep vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism (PE) or both
- ENSURE-AF (EdoxabaN vs. warfarin in subjectS UndeRgoing cardiovErsion of Atrial Fibrillation), in AF patients undergoing electrical cardioversion
- ENTRUST-AF PCI (EdoxabaN TReatment versUS VKA in paTients with AF undergoing PCI), in AF patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention
- Hokusai-VTE CANCER (Edoxaban in Venous Thromboembolism Associated with Cancer), in patients with cancer and an acute VTE event
- ELDERCARE-AF (Edoxaban Low-Dose for EldeR CARE AF patients), in elderly AF patients in Japan
- ELIMINATE-AF (EvaLuatIon of edoxaban coMpared with VKA IN subjects undergoing cAThEter ablation of non-valvular Atrial Fibrillation)
- ENVISAGE-TAVI AF (EdoxabaN Versus standard of care and theIr effectS on clinical outcomes in pAtients havinG undergonE Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) – Atrial Fibrillation)
- STABLED Study (STroke secondary prevention with catheter ABLation and EDoxaban for patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation) in Japan
- ENRICH-AF (EdoxabaN foR IntraCranial Hemorrhage survivors with Atrial Fibrillation, an investigator initiated phase III study)
Randomized-controlled Clinical trials in AF and VTE
In addition, EDOSURE’s global and regional registry and non-randomized clinical studies provide important real-world and clinical data about the use of edoxaban and other oral anticoagulants in everyday practice, these include:
- ETNA-AF (Edoxaban Treatment in routiNe clinical prActice in patients with nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation)
- ETNA-VTE (Edoxaban Treatment in routiNe clinical prActice in patients with Venous ThromboEmbolism)
- EMIT-AF/VTE (Edoxaban Management In diagnostic and Therapeutic procedures-AF/VTE)
- Prolongation PREFER in AF (PREvention oF thromboembolic events – European Registry) in patients with AF
- ANAFIE (All Nippon AF In Elderly) Registry in Japan
- Cancer-VTE Registry in Japan
- RYOUMA Registry in Japan
- KYU-RABLE in Japan
- BPV-AF Registry in Japan
Registry and non-randomized clinical studies
Through EDOSURE, we are committed to adding to the scientific body of knowledge around edoxaban in a variety of AF and VTE patients, including those who are vulnerable.