
Promoting Environmental Management

Aspect Classification Items Scope*1 Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
CO2 CO2emissions Sales vehicles In Japan t-CO2 4,337 4,636 4,696
Global t-CO2 12,051 13,513 14,713
Offices In Japan t-CO2 4,972 4,970 2,562
Global t-CO2 8,773 7,847 4,832
Plants and research facilities In Japan t-CO2 121,263 134,168 59,540
Global t-CO2 162,041 170,039 90,189
Total In Japan t-CO2 130,572 143,774
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)66,798
Global t-CO2 182,865 191,399
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)109,735
CO2 emissions by Greenhouse Gas Protocol classification Scope 1*2 In Japan t-CO2 69,103 68,736
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)64,388
Global t-CO2 86,785 88,249
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)86,006
Scope 2*2 In Japan t-CO2 61,468 75,038
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)2,409
Global t-CO2 96,080 103,150
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)23,729
Scope 3 Global*27 t-CO2 759,592 679,444 2,122,492
Scope 3
(Category 1)
Global*27 t-CO2 609,954 513,874
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)1,809,230
Energy*3*7 Breakdown of energy use Electricity In Japan MWh 152,990 159,350 5,272
City gas MWh 304,683 320,327 310,347
Others (LPG, LNG, heavy oil, kerosene, diesel oil, gasoline) MWh 19,365 20,062 22,181
Renewable electricity*4 MWh 917 3,989 163,072
Other renewable energy*4 MWh 0 0 0
Total MWh 477,955 503,727
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)500,873
Electricity Global MWh 201,611 208,383 50,609
City gas MWh 362,872 379,523 370,381
Others(LPG, LNG, heavy oil, kerosene, diesel oil, gasoline) MWh 54,691 62,578 67,221
Renewable electricity*4 MWh 16,505 21,596 179,962
Other renewable energy*4 MWh 6,296 6,811 12,550
Total MWh 641,975 678,890
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)680,723
Renewable electricity
utilization rate
Global % 7.5 9.4
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)78.1
Water resources Water used Plants and research facilities in Japan 1,000m3 7,926 7,979
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)7,860
Plants and research facilities (global) 1,000m3 8,395 8,486
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)8,261
Wastewater Plants and research facilities in Japan 1,000 m3 7,789 8,002
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)7,7047,704
Plants and research facilities (global) 1,000 m3 8,113 8,464
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)8,090
Effective water usage volume*5 Plants and research facilities (global) 1,000 m3 282 22 171
Water quality COD*6 Plants and research facilities in Japan that discharge wastewater into public waters t 11 13
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)12
Plants and research facilities that discharge wastewater into public waters (global) t 16 17
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)14
Waste Total amount of waste generated In Japan t 17,362 12,598 13,406
Global t 19,319 14,428 13,509
Total amount of waste discharged(outsourced waste treatment)*28 Plants and research facilities in Japan t 9,979 8,168
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)10,346
Plants and research facilities (Global) t 11,936 9,998
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)12,189
Recycled waste In Japan t 5,024 5,066 1,660
Global t 6,208 6,249 2,879
Recycling rate In Japan % 50 62 16
Final disposal In Japan t 113 72 466
Global t 734 693 1,168
Final disposal rate In Japan % 0.65 0.57 3.48
Waste plastic
recycling rate
Plants and research facilities (global) % 59.3
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)69.3
Disposal of hazardous
Plants and research facilities in Japan t 3,952
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)6,880
Plants and research facilities (global) t 4,350
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)7,194
Air SOx emissions Global t 1.5 1.0 2.3
NOx emissions Global t 49 51 53
PRTR substances Amount handled In Japan t 2,064 2,063 2,074
Amount discharged (air) In Japan t 3 3 1
Amount discharged (water) In Japan t 0 0 0
Amount transferred (sewage) In Japan t 0 0 0
Amount transferred (waste) In Japan t 1,862 1,861 2,072
Containers and packaging Containers and packaging materials recovery and recycling Required amount of recycled products In Japan t 1,365 1,609 2,906
Management Acquisition of ISO14001 certification (Number of certified sites) In Japan Sites 5 5 5
Global Sites 10 10 9
Biodiversity Ecological footprint In Japan gha 437,589 402,857 874,422


Mutual Growth of Employees and the Company

Aspect Classification Items Scope*1 Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Employees Number of employees by region*12 Japan In Japan Persons 8,979 9,135
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)9,263
Outside Japan Total Outside Japan Persons 7,054 7,323
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)8,172
Asia Outside Japan Persons 1,854 1,821 1,958
South and Central America Outside Japan Persons 461 517 598
United States Outside Japan Persons 2,602 2,706 3,062
Europe Outside Japan Persons 2,137 2,279 2,554
Total Global Persons 16,033 16,458
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)17,435*26
Employee data*12 Number of female employees In Japan Persons 2,296 2,382
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)2,471
% 25.6 26.1
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)26.7
Outside Japan Persons 3,644 3,819
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)4,469
% 51.7 52.2
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)54.7
Global Persons 5,940 6,201
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)6,940
% 37.0 37.7
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)39.8
Number of male employees In Japan Persons 6,683 6,753
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)6,792
Outside Japan Persons 3,410 3,504
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)3,701
Global Persons 10,093 10,257
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)10,493
Temporary employees In Japan Persons 612 605 656
Outside Japan Persons 0 0 0
Average years of service In Japan Years 19.4 19.6 19.7
In Japan(male) Years 20.9 21.1 21.4
In Japan(female) Years 15.1 15.4 15.2
Outside Japan Years 6.4 5.7 5.8
Outside Japan(male) Years 6.4 5.6 5.9
Outside Japan(female) Years 6.5 5.8 5.7
Global Years 13.7 13.5 13.1
Global(male) Years 16.0 15.8 16
Global(female) Years 9.8 9.5 8.7
Managerial employees (female) In Japan Persons 235 248
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)267
% 7.9 8.4
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)9.1
Outside japan Persons 1,258 1,357
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)1,755
% 49 49
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)53
Global Persons 1,493 1,605
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)2,022
% 26.9 28.1
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)32.4
Managerial employees (male) In Japan Persons 2,732 2,695 2,656
Outside Japan Persons 1,325 1,417 1,560
Global Persons 4,057 4,112 4,216
Managerial employees (total) In Japan Persons 2,967 2,943 2,923
Outside Japan Persons 2,583 2,774 3,315
Global Persons 5,550 5,717 6,238*26
Females in managerial positions*13 Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited % 7.3 8.1 9.4
Global % - - 33.0
Rate of newly appointed female managerial employees In Japan % 15.8 20.3 18.4
Female senior managerial employees*14 In Japan % 3.7 4.4 5.6
Global % 16.3*15 17.9 19.2
New employees In Japan(male) Persons 107 99 103
In Japan(female) Persons 105 100 84
In Japan(total) Persons 212
(non-consolidated 143)
(non-consolidated 103)

(non-consolidated 91)
Mid-career hire employees In Japan(male) Persons 80 67 95
In Japan(female) Persons 35 36 51
In Japan(total) Persons 115
(non-consolidated 68)
(non-consolidated 52)

(non-consolidated 96)

Rate of mid-career hires*16 In Japan (total) % 35
(non-consolidated 32)
(non-consolidated 34)
(non-consolidated 51)

Total new employees In Japan(male) Persons 187 166 198
In Japan(female) Persons 140 136 135
In Japan(total) Persons 327
(non-consolidated 211)
(non-consolidated 155)

Outside Japan(male) Persons 590 603 785
Outside Japan(female) Persons 609 706 1,045
Outside Japan (total) Persons 1,199 1,309 1,831
Global(male) Persons 777 769 983
Global(female) Persons 749 842 1,180
Global(total) Persons 1,526 1,611 2,164*26
Employment rate of people with physical or mental disabilities In Japan % 2.34 2.35
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)2.44
Outside Japan % 2.60 2.53 2.65
Global % 2.53
Human resource development Number of company award winners*17 In Japan Persons 62 68 51
Aggregate amount of training time by level of seniority In Japan Hours 20,868 30,456 28,418
Aggregate voluntary training time In Japan Hours 2,846 9,592 20,728
Amount of training/development investments per employee Global Yen 96,186 121,065 145,734
Total turnover rate*7 In Japan % 1.2 1.8 1.9
Global (male) % - - 4.8
Global (female) % - - 7.2
Global (total) % 5.4 7.4 5.7
Turnover rate (due to personal reasons)*7 In Japan % 0.8 1.2 1.4
Global (male) % - - 3.2
Global (female) % - - 4.9
Global (total) % 4.1 5.2 3.9
Positive response rate (%) on corporate culture & work environment through engagement survey Global % - 75 77
Positive response rate (%) on development & growth opportunities through engagement survey Global % - 68 75
Retention rate of employees in their 3rd year of service In Japan(male) % 93.4 96.4 97.4
In Japan(female) % 93.5 90.4 93.9
In Japan(total) % 93.5 93.5 95.8
Employees taking childcare leave Employees taking childcare leave (male) In Japan Persons 70 81 103
Employees taking childcare leave (female) In Japan Persons 122 78 84
Ratio of employees returning to work after childcare leave*18(male) In Japan % 100 100 100
Ratio of employees returning to work after childcare leave*18(female) In Japan % 100 100 100
Retention rate of employees after taking childcare leave*19(male) In Japan % 100 95 99
Retention rate of employees after taking childcare leave*19(female) In Japan % 100 100 100
Employees taking childcare leave (male) Outside Japan Persons 96 70 134
Employees taking childcare leave (female) Outside Japan Persons 98 65 106
Employees taking leave to care for children Employees taking leave to care for children (male) In Japan Persons 190 215 252
Employees taking leave to care for children (female) In Japan Persons 217 237 267
Employees taking long-term nursing care leave Employees taking long-term nursing care leave (male) In Japan Persons 0 1 0
Employees taking long-term nursing care leave (female) In Japan Persons 3 1 1
Employees taking short-term nursing care leave Employees taking short-term nursing care leave (male) In Japan Persons 105 117 154
Employees taking short-term nursing care leave (female) In Japan Persons 70 73 104
Occupational health and safety Paid vacation usage rate In Japan % 78.0 78.6 84.9
Total hours worked in a year In Japan Hours 1,814 1,900 1,880
Lost time injuries frequency rate*20 In Japan - 0.12 0.17
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)0.17
Outside Japan*21 - 2.09 2.31
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)2.03
Global*21 - 1.01 1.11
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)1.05
Occupational accident fatalities Global Persons 0 0
Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)0
Accident severity rate*22 In Japan - 0.0001 0.0005 0.0008
Outside Japan - 0.0400 0.0232 0.0383
Global - 0.0160 0.0105 0.0184
Labor union Coverage of collective bargaining In Japan % 100 100 100
Global % 82 88 89
Stock ownership Eligible people In Japan Persons 9,017 9,158 9,301
Members In Japan Persons 5,075 5,257 5,387
Participation rate In Japan % 56.3 57.4 57.9

Enhancement of Communication with Stakeholders

Aspect Classification Items Scope*1 Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Patients and medical professionals Evalutaion of corporate stance and MR activities Overall assessment of MRs (all responding physicians)*23 In Japan Rank 1st 1st 1st
Overall assessment of MRs (hospital doctors)*23 In Japan Rank 1st 1st 1st
Overall assessment of MRs (private-practice physicians)*23 In Japan Rank 1st 1st 1st
Number of inquiries received by the product information center from outside the company (prescription pharmaceuticals) In Japan Cases 70,000 70,000 60,000
Number of inquiries from outside the company on clinical trials received by the Contact for Clinical Trial Information In Japan Cases 218 365 189
Social Political contributions・Lobby activity expenses Total amount Global ¥ Million 23.6 12.8 14.1
Social Trade associations or tax-exempt groups Total amount Global ¥ Million 594.0 636.9 648.1

Improving Access to Healthcare

Aspect Classification Items Scope*1 Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Social Number of people received breast cancer/cervical cancer screening Aggregate (January to March) In Nepal Persons 186 1,091 1,006
Number of participants in breast cancer/cervical cancer awareness Aggregate (April to March) In Zimbabwe Persons - 3,651 13,384
Number of development projects conducted through the GHIT Aggregate (January to December) Cases 6 4 4

Social Contribution Activities

Aspect Classification Items Scope*1 Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Social Amount of contributions In Japan ¥ Million 1,464 1,356 1,423
Number of visitors to our laboratories and plants In Japan Persons 4 32 301
Charitable contributions and sponsorship Global \ Million - - 2,544
Number of visitors to Kusuri Museum*25 Non-consolidated Persons 1,261 2,036 5,494
Employees Number of employees taking short-term volunteer leave In Japan Persons 0 7 0
Number of employees taking long-term leave for volunteer activities In Japan Persons 0 0 0
Number of employees taking leave for bone marrow donation In Japan Persons 0 2 1


Aspect Classification Items Scope*1 Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Governance Structure of Board of Directors Number of directors Non-consolidated Persons 9 9 9
Number of outside directors Non-consolidated Persons 4 4 4
Number of female directors Non-consolidated Persons 1 1 1
Structure of Audit and Supervisory Board Number of Audit & Supervisory Board members Non-consolidated Persons 5 5 5
Number of Outside Audit & Supervisory Board members Non-consolidated Persons 3 3 3
Number of Outside Audit & Supervisory Board members (female) Non-consolidated Persons 2 2 2
Remuneration to Members of the Board Total Non-consolidated ¥ Million 547 959 1,092
Remuneration to Members of the Audit and Supervisory Board Total Non-consolidated ¥ Million 120 154 154
Training for board members In Japan Times 5 7 13
Structure of the Compensation Committee Ratio of independent directors and auditors Non-consolidated % 100 100 100
Structure of the Nomination Committee Ratio of independent directors and auditors Non-consolidated % 100 100 100
Number of the meetings of the Board of Directors held Non-consolidated Times 14 17 13
Attendance rate for meetings of the Board of Directors (Members of the Board) Non-consolidated % 99 100 100
Attendance rate for meetings of the Board of Directors (Members of the Audit and Supervisory Board) Non-consolidated % 100 100 100
Number of meetings of the Audit and Supervisory Board held Non-consolidated Times 13 15 13
Attendance rate for the meetings of Audit and Supervisory Board Non-consolidated % 100 100 100
Number of Nomination Committees held Non-consolidated Times 7 10 11
Attendance rate for the Nomination Committees Non-consolidated % 100 100 100
Number of Compensation Committees held Non-consolidated Times 9 11 11
Attendance rate for the Compensation Committees Non-consolidated % 100 100 100

Promoting Compliance Management

Aspect Classification Items Scope*1 Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Compliance Compliance training Total In Japan Persons 615 549 599
Training new employees In Japan Persons 213 199 187
Training newly appointed managerial employees In Japan Persons 158 129 148
Training newly appointed executive candidates In Japan Persons 108 83 102
Training newly appointed vice presidents In Japan Persons 21 17 16
Training mid-career hire employees In Japan Persons 115 121 146
Training on Daiichi Sankyo Group Employee Code of Conduct Number of employees participating in e-learning and group training In Japan Persons 9,167 9,412 9,454
Outside Japan Persons 4,813 Approx. 4,270 2,370
Compliance awareness surveys*7 Response rate In Japan % 95.9 - -
Periodic employee survey on ethical culture*7 Positive response rate Global % - 84 -
Compliance data Number of allegations received Global Cases 185 157 207
Information security training Ratio of employees participating in e-learning In Japan % 98.8 97.6 94.8
Training on corporate branding*8 Ratio of employees participating in
In Japan % 99.1 - -
Training on social media*8 Ratio of employees participating in
In japan % - - -
GVP*9training Ratio of GVP-related employees undergoing training Non-consolidated % 100 100 100
Number of employees (excluding GVP-related employees) undergoing training Non-consolidated Persons 5,849 5,873 5,909
GQP*10training Ratio of GQP-related employees undergoing training Non-consolidated % 100 100 100
Development-related training (including GCP) Aggregate number of e-learning programs and group training sessions Non-consolidated Times 141 127 79
Ratio of new employees who passed the MR certification test Test pass rate In Japan % 100 100 100
Number of recalls (Class I*11) Number of recalls Global Cases 0 0 0
  • Checkmark(assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.)Information with this mark has been assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.
  • *1In Japan: Daiichi Sankyo (non-consolidated) and consolidated subsidiaries in Japan. Outside Japan: consolidated overseas subsidiaries. Global: Daiichi Sankyo (non-consolidated) and all its consolidated subsidiaries.
  • *2 Scope 1:For sites in Japan, the emission factors stipulated by the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures are used. The emissions from renewable energy and waste incineration are included. For overseas sites, the emission factors stipulated by each country's regulation are generally used. If the specific factors are not available, the emission factors stipulated by the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures are used.
  • Scope 2: Generally, the emission factors are determined by the power contract or each country's regulations. If the specific factors are not available, the latest factors (as of 2019) published by the International Energy Agency (IEA) are used instead. The emissions from renewable energy are included.
  • *3The heat values per unit described in the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures are used for fuel and electricity.
  • *4From FY2020, figures are listed separately for renewable energy-derived and non-renewable energy-derived sources.
  • *5Water intake‒Wastewater
  • *6COD pollution load at four sites in Japan (Tatebayashi site, Onahama site, Odawara site and Kitamoto site) was measured using potassium permanganate as an oxidant. The global COD pollution load is the aforementioned domestic COD pollution load plus the overseas COD pollution load measured by the colorimetric determination methot.
  • *7Disclosed since FY2021.
  • *8No results in FY2018
  • *9Good Vigilance Practice. Standards for safety management of pharmaceuticals, quasi-pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and medical devices after manufacturing and selling.
  • *10Good Quality Practice. A ministerial ordinance on quality management standards for pharmaceuticals, quasi-pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and medical devices.
  • *11 A situation where there is a reasonable probability that the use of or exposure to the product will severely affect the health or cause death.
  • *12The numbers of employees as of the settlement date of each Group company (as of March 31, 2023 for fiscal 2022). Average years of service is as of April 1 of the next fiscal year.
  • *13Female employees in charge of a certain organization, who are responsible for the management of business performance and human resources, including heads of divisions, departments and groups(as of April 1). Based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace, the definition has changed to "people manager" who manages business performance and human resources as the person in charge of the organization under their jurisdiction. Employees who are seconded to other companies are counted as employees of the company to which they are seconded.
  • *14 Female employees in a division head or higher position
  • *15The definition of senior managerial positions in group companies has been changed since FY2020.
  • *16Rate of regular employees hired in the middle of their careers, based on the Comprehensive Labor Policy Promotion Act. Publication date: November 30, 2021. Included the number of new employees due to the dissolution of a joint venture company in Japan for fiscal 2019.
  • *17Total number of employees who received a prize for culture-building and achievement awards.
  • *18(Total number of employees returning to work after childcare leave/Total number of employees scheduled to return to work after childcare leave in the given fiscal year)*100
  • *19(Total number of employees who continued to work for 12 months after returning to work after childcare leave/Total number of employees who returned to work after childcare leave in the previous fiscal year)*100
  • *20Number of work-related deaths and injuries/Total hours worked*1,000,000 The number of work-related deaths and injuries counts cases that involved at least a day of leave. For consolidated subsidiaries in Japan, temporary workers, contractors, and others are not included. Overseas consolidated subsidiaries include contractors and other workers(hired by other company and working for a specific service or temporary project) in the scope of data. (FY2020 - FY2022)
  • *21Revised overseas and global frequency rates for FY2018–2020 due to revision of total overseas hours worked.
  • *22Number of total work hours lost due to work-related deaths and injuries/Total hours worked*1,000
  • *23INTAGAE Healthcare(Rep-i), February 2023
  • *24Global Health Innovative Technology Fund
  • *25In FY2020, as a measure to prevent the spread of COVID 19 opened by reservation only , limited to 3 groups per day (maximum 10 people). The number of groups per day was increased to 6 groups per day on January 1, 2022.
  • *26Including non-binary category based on the requests.
  • *27Figures for FY2020 and FY2021 are for Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited and Daiichi Sankyo Healthcare Co., Ltd.
  • *28Figures for FY2022 include waste temporarily generated from soil remediation at Odawara site of Daiichi Sankyo Chemical Pharma Co., Ltd.

Independent Assuarance Report