Waste Reduction Targets and Performance

The Daiichi Sankyo Group defines zero emissions for waste as the final disposal rate representing less than 1% of the total amount of waste.
At our plants and research centers, the Group has established waste reduction and resource efficiency as important issues. Consequently, we seek to save resources through efforts such as the streamlining of resources used in manufacturing and packaging processes, the comprehensive separation of unnecessary and waste materials, the reduction of the total volume of unnecessary and waste material, and resource recycling. Whenever possible, the Group chooses waste disposal firms that recycle thoroughly.
At each office, we promote the thorough separation of trash, double-sided printing of office paper, paperless operations and other measures.
In Japan, the Act on Promotion of Resource Circulation for Plastics was enforced on April 1, 2022. In the EU also, regulations under the directive on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment were put into effect, and the importance of plastic waste control and resource recycling is increasing both in Japan and overseas. With regards to plastic waste, the Group is working to change the materials we ue for packaging materials and handouts, such as document bags used at briefing sessions and employee mobile cards.

Outsourced waste treatment, Recycled Waste, and Land fill Volume (Entire Group)

Total Waste Generation and Disposal (Group in Japan)

Promotion of Waste Compliance

Based on the 5-Year Business Plan, our environmental auditing at plants, research facilities, offices, and other operation sites focuses on verifying the level of compliance with the Waste Disposal Act as part of our efforts to prevent inappropriate waste disposal. Additionally each operation site regularly conducts on-site inspections for waste management contractors (in terms of their level of compliance with applicable laws and regulations, contract implementation, permits and licenses, actual waste disposal operations, etc.).

All operation sites of domestic Group companies have introduced electronic manifests since FY2016 with the goal of reducing risks pertaining to waste disposal.

Efforts to Reduce Waste

Reduction of office paper use

We are continuously promoting effective use of office paper through our efforts such as promoting double-sided printing and N-up printing, reducing distributions of printed documents (promoting paperless operations by using personal computers and projectors), putting up posters to encourage reductions in printing, and using IC card authentication to prevent printing errors.

Promotion of 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle)

Promotion of reuse within the office

We promote reuse of stationery by placing “stationery collecting trays” at the Headquarters area, the Shinagawa R&D Center, and the Kasai R&D Center. Both R&D centers collect not only stationeries but also reusable devices and equipment, and display them in the “Exhibition Room for Reuse” to encourage recycling. In addition to proactively making announcements on the new lineup of goods for exhibition, the R&D centers share and exchange their lineups.

Reuse of recovered organic solvents

At the Odawara Plant of Daiichi Sankyo Chemical Pharma Co., Ltd., we reuse collected organic solvents in manufacturing processes within the company after purifying them through an external contractor.

Promotion of recycling

At the Hiratsuka Plant of Daiichi Sankyo Propharma Co., Ltd., we recycle work clothes and latex gloves used in the pharmaceuticals manufacturing process.

Material recycling of used formulation work clothes and latex gloves

Closed-loop Recycling Efforts

 We launched an initiative at our special subsidiary Daiichi Sankyo Happiness’s Hiratsuka site to achieve closed-loop recycling* in order to contribute to the realization of a recycling-based society through employing disabled people. These approximately 30,000 rolls of toilet paper are equivalent to approximately a year's worth of toilet paper used at the Hiratsuka site. We will continue working to solve social issues and contribute to the realization of a recycling-based society through employing disabled people. Toilet paper made from recycled paper is also given as a prize in the Daiichi Sankyo Group COOL CHOICE Program.

* Materials recovered from used Daiichi Sankyo products are reused in Daiichi Sankyo products.


Efforts to reduce the use of plastics

In Japan, Daiichi Sankyo Espha uses biomass plastics in product packaging. We plan to continue expanding our lineup of products that uses biomass plastic packaging in the future.

Products using biomass plastics