We strive to continuously improve the accessibility of web contents (“Web Accessibility”) on this website based on JIS X 8341-3 “Guidelines for older persons and persons with disabilities – Information and communications equipment, software and services – Part 3: Web content” (“JIS X 8341-3”), which is provided by the Japanese Standards Association.

1. Scope

In FY2022, we will determine the web pages having higher priority and ensure they conform to the criteria of the Web Accessibility Conformance Level AA. The test is conducted on a web page basis.

In FY2023 and beyond, we will choose target web pages for each fiscal year, and steadily increase the number of web pages that conform to the criteria of the Web Accessibility Conformance Level AA.

2. Target Conformance Level and Degree of Success

Conforming to the Web Accessibility Conformance Level AA of JIS X 8341-3:2016

Note: The expression “Conforming” in the Web Accessibility Policy is based on that stipulated in the “Expression Guidelines for the Degree of Success concerning the JIS X 8341-3: 2016 of web contents – March 22, 2016” provided by the Web Accessibility Infrastructure Committee of Info-Communication Access Council.

3. Exclusions

  • Contents without modification data (unmodifiable)
  • Videos, images and texts on images
  • Files such as PDF, Word and Excel
  • Search on the website using external services
  • Services and images provided by external parties
    *Including embedded contents in videos and SNS

Web Accessibility Test Results

We conduct the test in accordance with the JIS X 8341-3: 2016 and disclose the results.

Number and year of revision of the Standards JIS X 8341-3: 2016 (ISO/IEC 40500: 2012)
Satisfied conformance level and the degree of success We conducted the test in accordance with “JB.1.1. Unit of web page” of “Appendix JB (Reference) Test Method”, and the results were as follows:

Conforming to the Conformance Level AA

Note: The expressions about the degree of success, “Conforming” and “Partially conforming”, in the test results are based on those stipulated in the “the “Expression Guidelines for the Degree of Success concerning the JIS X 8341-3: 2016 of web contents – March 2016 Version” provided by the Web Accessibility Infrastructure Committee of Info-Communication Access Council.

Target web pages
Web contents technologies we relied upon HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript
Tested web pages We visually inspected all the web pages obtained by following the links from the top page, and 40 pages that are of higher importance for the structure of the website.
Test period from 06/15/2022 to 06/30/2022

1. Test results

Refer to the Web Accessibility Test Results.

2. URI of the web pages that were visually inspected

No. Page Title URI
1 Daiichi Sankyo https://www.daiichisankyo.com/
2 About Us https://www.daiichisankyo.com/about_us/
3 History as Pharma Innovator https://www.daiichisankyo.com/about_us/mission-strength/history/
4 Corporate Governance https://www.daiichisankyo.com/about_us/governance/
5 Characteristics of Daiichi Sankyo's Corporate Governance https://www.daiichisankyo.com/about_us/governance/characteristics/
6 Our Mission and Vision https://www.daiichisankyo.com/about_us/mission-strength/vision/
7 Global Policies https://www.daiichisankyo.com/about_us/responsibility/global_policy/
8 Our Leadership https://www.daiichisankyo.com/about_us/mission-strength/leadership/
9 Our Stories https://www.daiichisankyo.com/our_stories/
10 Daiichi Sankyo Brasil’s Amazon Region Breast Cancer Screening Initiative https://www.daiichisankyo.com/our_stories/detail/index_4254.html
11 Unraveling the intricacies of cancer fuels the passion of medicine development for our head of global oncology clinical development https://www.daiichisankyo.com/our_stories/detail/index_4248.html
12 Sustainability https://www.daiichisankyo.com/sustainability/
13 Our Approach https://www.daiichisankyo.com/sustainability/our_approach/
14 SDGs for Daiichi Sankyo https://www.daiichisankyo.com/sustainability/our_approach/sdgs/
15 Sustainability Topics https://www.daiichisankyo.com/sustainability/performance-reports/news/
16 ESG Data https://www.daiichisankyo.com/sustainability/performance-reports/esg/
17 Our Workplace https://www.daiichisankyo.com/sustainability/our_workplace/inclusion_diversity/
18 Tackling Unmet Medical Needs https://www.daiichisankyo.com/sustainability/unmetmedical_needs/antivirus/
19 Research & Development https://www.daiichisankyo.com/rd/
20 Our R&D Strategy & Operations https://www.daiichisankyo.com/rd/strategy_operations/
21 Open Innovation https://www.daiichisankyo.com/rd/strategy_operations/open_innovation/
22 Products https://www.daiichisankyo.com/products/
23 Investors https://www.daiichisankyo.com/investors/
24 IR News https://www.daiichisankyo.com/investors/ir_news/
25 Quarterly Results https://www.daiichisankyo.com/investors/library/quarterly_result/
26 Media https://www.daiichisankyo.com/media/
27 Email Alert https://www.daiichisankyo.com/media/mail/
28 Partnering https://www.daiichisankyo.com/partnering/
29 Daiichi Sankyo Business Development https://www.daiichisankyo.com/partnering/with_us/
30 Careers https://www.daiichisankyo.com/careers/
31 Contact us https://www.daiichisankyo.com/contact/
32 Disclaimer https://www.daiichisankyo.com/disclaimer_gdpr/
33 Data Protection https://www.daiichisankyo.com/data_protection/
34 Notice https://www.daiichisankyo.com/notice/
35 Social Media Policy https://www.daiichisankyo.com/sm_policy/
36 Terms & Conditions(Japanese Site) https://www.daiichisankyo.com/terms_and_condition/
37 Home(Japanese Site) https://www.daiichisankyo.co.jp/
38 Individual Investors (Japanese Site) https://www.daiichisankyo.co.jp/investors/individual/
39 For Patients and the public (Japanese Site) https://www.daiichisankyo.co.jp/healthy/
40 Working with the people of Myanmar: Creating communities that support safe and healthy childbirth and childcare (Japanese Site) https://www.daiichisankyo.co.jp/our_stories/detail/index_6506.html

Note: Above is the list of page titles and URLs at the time the test was conducted. Some pages have now been renamed or deleted.